About TD Ameritrade
TD Ameritrade provides investing and trading services for seven million client accounts that total more than $750 billion in assets, and custodial services for more than 5,700 independent registered investment advisors. With clients placing, on average, approximately 450,000 trades each day, it maintains the leadership position it assumed when founder Joe Ricketts opened his doors in Omaha, NE, in 1975.
Put America's Top NAPFA-Registered Fee-Only Financial Advisors to work for you.
Request a Consultation:
Zhang Financial
5931 Oakland Drive Portage, MI 49024
List of office locations
Email: clientservice@zhangfinancial.com | Toll-Free: 888-777-0126
Minimum investment requirement: $1,000,000 in Michigan, $2,000,000 outside of Michigan.
Investment Advice offered through Zhang Financial, a Fee-Only Wealth Management Group.